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C You! – Communities preventing Youth violence

C You! – Communities preventing Youth violence

Target group addressed
  • Carers
  • Educators
  • Foster parents
  • Social workers
  • Psychologists
  • Others

Priority area addressed

preventative measures aimed specifically at the community level against violance

Country of origin
Transnational partnership with the support of EC

  • European

Type of training
  • Training
  • Other,

Brief description


The overall aim of “C You! – Communities preventing Youth violence” project was to develop and implement preventative measures aimed specifically at the community level by integrating all groups of persons and organisations that are in close or more general contact with young people and have the opportunity to influence and / or interact.


The activities of the developed programme address:

- young people between 15-25 years

- persons working with youth (providing guidance, influence, support)

- more general the environment of youth


The project was funded within DAPHNE III programme

Period: 03/10/2011-2/10/2013


Main achievements


Main achievement of the project was

- the elaboration and publication of workshop guidelines to be used by youth workers

- awareness raising campaign by organizing community events and competitions



The workshop content was successfully implemented within the structure of a Child Protection System. The workshops received appreciation by both youngsters and personal working with youth



The workshop content was successfully implemented within the structure of a Child Protection System. The workshops received appreciation by both youngsters and personal working with youth


Related documentation

Workshop material and curriculum, guidebook can be ordered from the project partners

Contact / Information

Name: Maurer Elke

Position: project coordinator

E-Mail address: elke.maurer@jaw.or.at

Address (work):

Country: Austria


Key words
violence, prevention, conflict management, adolescence, self-esteem