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Competence development for carers and educators of children in foster care in the context of trainsition from institutional to community based care
2024. 10. 22
Best practice database
Curriculum and training materials for careers and foster parents

Mediation training

Mediation training

Target group addressed
  • Educators
  • Social workers
  • Sociologists
  • Psychologists

Priority area addressed

Mediation is a unique profession with traniees coming from a broad range of backgrounds and choosing to train for many different reasons. Some choose to train because it offers a natural expansion to their existing work, others because they want to develop a new professional career. Regarding CareComp project, it could be most useful for educators, but foster pa

Country of origin

  • National (in at least 80% of regions)

Type of training
  • Training

Brief description

The training consists of two moduls- 30 hours each, 60 hours altogether. The course is divided into two three- days section.

The price is 90.000 HUF (300 EU) per person.

Training group size is limited to a maximum of 24 person.


Main achievements

The training is intended to develop the professional personality of the participants. They get acquainted with the philosophy, methods and process of mediation. Applying the acquired techniques, applicants become able to manage conflicts both personal and family level. The main intention of the course is to train experts who are going to work as mediators in the future.

Besides teaching prescribed theoretical knowledge, the training is practice oriented, it places a great emphasis on applying different mediation techniques in practice.


Main competences developed during the project:

-knowledge about legal regulation of mediation

-psychological, negotiating knowledge and competencies

-questioning strategies

-negotiating methods

-learning conflict-management strategies

-learning different mediation techniques

-preparation for unexpected events during the mediation process


First modul:

The aim is teaching basic knowledge.

Content: basic knowledge about conflict theories, negotiation, the process of mediation, mediation methods and practice of these,  psychological knowledge and skills, legal background and ethical dimension of mediation


 Second modul :

The aim is to practice of the acquired skills and competencies.

Further development of conflict managing competencies and knowledge. Recognition of each participant’s conflict resolution and negotiating style. Analyses and exchange of experiences among group members Further development of psychological and methodological competencies.

5 problem-specific case simulation, 2 whole simulated case practice


Mediation is recognised as an effective way of resolving conflicts and disputes. The aim of the training is to teach mediation both in theory and in practice.

Throughout the training participants learn:

-to recognise their own conflict-resolution style

-develop successful communication strategies

-assist parties in their negotiation

-minimise conflicts within their environment

-learn better ways to solve problems and take more control over what happens in disputes

These skills and competencies can be applied successfully during the every day work of educators, carers and foster parents.  It empowers them to handle conflicts in a more conscious way.



Throughout the training participants acquire competencies through symulated case practices. By the end of they have to mediate a whole symulated mediation process and each participant is given individual feedback from the trainer.

Related documentation

Curriculum is avaiable online in Hungarian /www.csagyi.hu-képzések-mediátor képzés/  Training material is not available online. For further information contact Family, Child and Youth Assosiation.


Contact / Information

Name: Család, Gyermek, Ifjúság Egyesület (Family, Child, Youth Association)


E-Mail address: csagyi@csagyi.hu

Address (work): Podmaniczky St. 75., Budapest H-1064

Country: Hungary

Telephone: +36-1-225-3526

Key words
happy childhood, accredited, training