Sigurnim korakom do udomiteljstva
A sound approach to foster care
Target group addressed
Priority area addressedDevelopment and advancement of competencies for quality foster careCountry of originSerbiaLevel
Type of training
Brief descriptionOne of the accredited programs being undertaken in Serbia consists of training the experts for working with foster carers including training of foster carers themselves.The program is aiming to further advance the following special and general competencies:
Experts who get involved in the training must fulfil the following basic requirements:
The program is being implemented by Centres for Fostering across Serbia. |
Main achievementsThe first three years of the implementation, the number of foster carers tripled. The training also included partners of foster carers. A compulsory assessment of potential foster carer’s capabilities for the role was introduced. Many foster carers received more than the compulsory 10 hours of training per year. The training so far included over 4000 experts and foster carers across Serbia. The number of foster carers with higher education, rather than just basic, was also increased.EffectivenessThe goal of the program is the development and advancement of experts’ competencies who work in the field of foster care and their further trainingin order to apply modern standards in child protection, assessment of the overall eligibility of foster families to perform quality foster care and carry out tasks aimed at satisfying the needs of children for whom fostering is meant as a protective measure. Furthermore, it includes training professionals to undertake preparation programs and training for future foster carers.The program consists of 5 parts: 1st part: Basics of the program A Sound approach to fostering, theoretical framework 2nd part: Working program for future foster carers – 11 workshops 3rd part: Operational guidelines for program presenters 4th part: Information for foster carers (legal framework, rights of foster carers and rights of children in foster care) 5th part: Working materials for workshops. Duration of training: For professionals: 40 hours (5 days/ 8 hours) For future foster carers: 33 hours (11 days / 3 hours) EvaluationUndertaken continuously, but results not available online.Related documentation
Contact / InformationName: Dobrila GrujićPosition: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy E-Mail: dobrilag@ Address: Nemanjina 22-26, Beograd Country: Serbia Tel: + 381 11 3615 677 Key wordsSigurnim korakom do hraniteljstva, Akreditovani programi hraniteljstva |