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International conference in Hungary

International conference in Hungary

15 Julrml 2016 08:48
The Carecomp project was offered as a good practice model for coopeartion within the Erasmus+ programme and the trainining material was presented as a useful tool for competence development of carers, educators and foster parents.

The conference was organised on the 1st of July 2016, in Budapest in Hotel Benczúr.

The main idea of the event was to inform stakeholders about the achievements of the CareComp project. The course book -written for trainers to train foster parents, educators and carers -was also introduced and advertised. The representative of every institution were given a course book as a present to encourage further usage.

51 Hungarian and 10 foreigner guests participated in the event, together with the project partners(8 person) and 26 colleagues from the host institution.

TEGYESZ director, Gabor Kuslits opened the conference and welcomed the participants. Then he introduced the host institution and defined its function and role within the child protection system.

Csilla Lázár from Soros Educational Center, coordinator of the project, introduced the project to the participants. She described various stages of the two-year long common work, she presented the achievements of the project and she also shared some experiences of the international cooperation.

Following her words Zoltán Elekes, director at DGASPC Harghita, shortly introduced the child protection system in Romania. He also talked about recent challenges and problems of the system.

Katalin Gál, project assistant at DGASPC, introduced the author, Enikő Kui, who wrote their chapter about learning difficulties. The audience was given further details on the topic, then Katalin reported about the success of the pilot training held in Csíkszereda. She showed photos of the event and several comments of the participants.

Mirela Miharija, office leader of Sirius Central from Croatia introduced the Croatian child protection system, mentioning recent trends and problems. She added more details to their topic ‘burn out’ and we could also hear about their pilot training held in Croatia. She emphasised that participants considered it the utmost useful and were truly enthusiastic since they felt that it provided a great help for their daily work.

Further to that Lilla Dudás and Virág Baranyai presented another two chapters from the course book: behavioural problems and communication with the biological family, worked out by TEGYESZ. They also reported about pilot trainings, which lead to a great success also in Hungary.

The afternoon started off with there were three sections. Participants had the possibility to discuss the following topics in smaller groups:
-situation of the children suffering from ADHD within the child protection system, difficulties with their integration
-new institutional structure of the child protection system-possibility of renewal
-recruitment of foster parents-possibilities and difficulties

Participants considered the topic of the conference benefical, they were also really interested in the achievements of the project. A great interest arose toward the training and the course book.