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Dezvoltarea competenţelor educatorilor şi îngrijitorilor din sistemul de protecţie a copilului în contextul tranziţiei de la îngrijire instituţională la cea comunitară
2024. 06. 02
Ştiri / Evenimente
Baza de date a bunelor practici
Curriculum şi materiale de instruire pentru îngrijitori si asistenţi maternali
Pilot Training in Budapest, Hungary

Pilot Training in Budapest, Hungary

25 martie 2016 21:53
Three pilot training sessions took place in Budapest, Hungary, on 15th, 16th and 23rd February 2016.
The following CareComp training units have been piloted:
Communication and cooperation with the biological family
Prevention and intervention of burn-out
Behavioral problems and disorders
A total number of 75 participants took part in the three training sessions.

Participants appreciated the training and the training materials, here are some of their comments:

"The training was good and useful.”
"Trainers should suggest books, films to the topic."
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